Let's begin by taking a look at a brief history of the English language!
Brief History of English
Before delving into the Middle English alphabet and some examples, let's start by acknowledging the four main periods of the English language, which are as follows:
1. Old English
2. Middle English
3. Early Modern English
4. Modern English
Old English
Old English was the earliest form of English, spoken and written from around 450 - 1150 AD. It was very different from the current English we know and was influenced by Latin and Germanic languages.
Middle English
After the Norman Conquest, the English language was slowly replaced by the Anglo-Norman dialect (a dialect of Old Norman French), this eventually evolved into what is known as Middle English. It was heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman French, particularly words relating to law and religion. Middle English was spoken and written from the mid-1100s until the mid-1400s.
FIg. 1 - The Norman Conquest was an invasion of England that started in 1066 and ended in 1075.
Early Modern English
Early Modern English was used from around 1500 until the 1800s. This was the form of English used by Shakespeare. His work was highly influential during this time and helped shape the English language into what it has become now.
DID YOU KNOW? Shakespeare invented around 1700 words! Many of these are still used in the English language today!
Modern English
Modern English has been spoken since the late 17th century. The use of Modern English was due to "The Great Vowel Shift," which refers to the mass change of vowel pronunciations in English. This meant that the vowel sounds (particularly long vowels) were pronounced in a different place in the mouth. The shift occurred between the 1400s and 1700s.
Middle English Period
Now we have a basic understanding of the history of English, let's return to Middle English. The introduction of the Middle English period mostly saw changes in grammar, namely:
Word order became more fixed
Fewer inflections (word forms)
Fewer word endings (suffixes)
Using word order instead of word endings to express meaning
Also, vocabulary became more extensive as new words were invented and old words became redundant. Vocabulary continues to change to this day, reflecting the evolution of the English language!
What about the differences between Middle and Modern English?
The main changes were:
The standardization of spelling
The Great Vowel Shift (changes in the pronunciation of long vowel sounds)
Changes in vocabulary (new words invented, old words no longer used)
Middle English Alphabet
The English alphabet we know today contains 26 letters. Old English contained 24, but some letters are no longer used. During the evolution of Middle English, some of these letters were dropped or changed. Let's take a look at a few of the dropped letters:
Þ / þ - Thorn
Have you ever seen an old sign that said "Ye olde"? Most of the time, the "ye" is mispronounced as "yee." But in this instance, the "y" actually came from the thorn letter, which made a "the" sound. So "ye" is actually pronounced as "thee." The "þ" was often written similarly to the letter "y," which is why we see the spelling "ye olde" instead of "þe olde." The thorn was later replaced with "th," which is what we still use today.
Ð / ð - Eth
The eth was pronounced as "th" (such as the /th/ sound in "thorn"). However, it soon got replaced by the thorn due to how similar they sounded in certain accents. Nowadays, we combine the letters "t" and "h" to create a /th/ sound instead of using a single letter.
Ȝ / ȝ - Yogh
The yogh was derived from the Old English letter "g." There is no Modern English equivalent of the yogh, but it was pronounced similarly to the "ch" in the Scots word "loch." It was quite a harsh, throaty sound. The yogh was later replaced with "gh." For example, the word "niȝt" became "night."
Æ / æ - Ash
The ash looks like a mix of "a" and "e." It was pronounced the same as the "a" sound in words like "mat" and "bat." It stopped being used around the 14th century, as it was simply replaced with "a."
Œ / œ - Ethel
The ethel looks like a mix of "o" and "e." It was originally pronounced as an "oi" sound (like in the word "foil") but was later pronounced like a mixture of "o" and "e" together. It was later replaced with "e."
Ƿ / ƿ - Wynn
The letter wynn was used in Old English to represent the "w" sound. In Middle English, this changed to two u's, so it looked like: uu. This later changed to the "w" we all know today.
Also worth mentioning are the letters "k," "q," and "z."
These letters were rarely used in Old English but came to be more commonly used in Middle English!
Examples of Middle English
Check out an example of The Lord's Prayer below, written in Middle English. Notice how some words are similar to the Modern English we are familiar with today. One of the main differences is the non-standardized spelling, which makes Middle English more difficult to read!
The Lord’s Prayer - The Wyclif Bible (around 1390)
Oure fadir that art in heuenes,
halewid be thi name;
thi kyngdoom come to;
be thi wille don, in erthe as in heuene.
Yyue to vs this dai oure breed ouer othir
and foryyue to vs oure dettis, as we foryyuen to
ore dettouris;
and lede vs not in to temptacioun, but delyuere vs fro yuel. Amen.
Modern English translation:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
The standardization of spelling was greatly due to the invention of the printing press, which was a mechanical device used to transfer copies of texts onto paper or cloth. Spelling was standardized for efficiency, as this allowed for the mass production of texts. This saw a major shift between Middle and Modern English; as a result of the gradual standardization of spelling, language became easier to read, write and pronounce.
Fig. 2 - Chaucer was nicknamed the Father of English Poetry.
Another example of Middle English comes from English author and poet Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales - a collection of stories by Chaucer - were written in Middle English. Below is an extract:
Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
When Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
That slepen al the nyght with open yë
(So priketh hem nature in hir corages). —
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
And specially from every shires ende
Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke,
That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.
- The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue (1387)
Modern English Translation:
When April with its gentle showers has pierced
the March drought to the root
and bathed every plant in the moisture
which will hasten the flowering;
when Zephyrus with his sweet breath
has stirred the new shoots in every wood and field,
and the young sun
has run its half-course in the Ram,
and small birds sing melodiously,
so touched in their hearts by nature
that they sleep all night with open eyes–
then folks long to go on pilgrimages,
and palmers to visit foreign shores
and distant shrines, known in various lands;
and especially from every shire's end
of England they travel to Canterbury,
to seek the holy blessed martyr
who helped them when they were sick.
Middle English Words
Here are some examples of Middle English words. As you read through these, think about how many of them are similar to the modern-day words we use.
Middle English word | Modern English translation |
Lite | Little |
Anon | At once |
Ny | Near |
Lasse | Less |
Forthy | Therefore |
Ech | Each |
Gan / gonne | Began |
Morewe | Morrow / morning |
Swich | Such |
Ynogh | Enough |
Middle English Pronouns
The pronouns used in Middle English were not all the same as the pronouns used in the English language today. Due to spelling not being standardized, many pronouns in Middle English had more than one spelling and pronunciation. Here is a list of Middle English pronouns and their Modern English translations, starting with singular pronouns:
Singular Middle English pronouns | Modern English translation |
Ic / ich / I | I |
Me / mi | Me |
Min / minen | My |
Min / mire / minre | Mine |
Min one / mi selven | Myself |
þou / þu / tu / þeou | You (thou) |
þe | You (thee) |
þi / ti | Your (thy) |
þin / þyn | Yours (thine) |
þeself / þi selven | Yourself (thyself) |
He | He |
Him / hine | Him |
His / hisse / hes | His (as a possessive determiner) |
His / hisse | His (as a possessive pronoun) |
Him-seluen | Himself |
Sche(o) / s(c)ho / ȝho | She |
Heo / his / hie / hies / hire | Her (as an object) |
Hio / heo / hire / heore | Her (as a possessive determiner) |
Heo-seolf | Herself |
Hit | It (as a subject) |
Hit / him | It (as an object) |
His | Its (as a possessive determiner) |
His | Its (as a possessive pronoun) |
Hit sulue | Itself |
Plural Middle English pronouns | Modern English translation |
We | We |
Us / ous | Us |
ure(n) / our(e) / ures / urne | Our |
Oures | Ours |
Us self / ous silve | Ourselves |
ȝe / ye | You (ye) |
eow / (ȝ)ou / ȝow / gu / you | You |
eower / (ȝ)ower / gur / (e)our | Your |
Youres | Yours |
Ȝou self / ou selve | Yourselves |
From Old English: heo / heFrom Old Norse: þa / þei / þeo / þo | They |
From Old English: his / heo(m)From Old Norse: þem / þo | Them |
From Old English: heore / herFrom Old Norse: þeir | Their |
From Old Norse: þam-selue | Themselves |
Middle English - Key takeaways
- After the Norman Conquest, the English language was slowly replaced by the Anglo-Norman dialect, which later evolved into Middle English.
- Middle English was heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman French, particularly words relating to law and religion
- Middle English was spoken and written from the mid-1100s until the mid-1400s.
- The spelling of Middle English was not as standardized as it is today, leading to multiple spellings of the same word.
- The letters "k," "q," and "z" were rarely used in Old English but came to be used more in Middle English.