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Introducing StudySmarter AI. The new era for learning.

StudySmarter AI is here to change the way you learn for the better. With personalised mock exams, explanations for literally any topic, automatically generated flashcards, and so much more! All available now with a free StudySmarter account.

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Ai-Powered Learning

Instant explanations, on any topic.

Explain any topic simply by searching for it in the StudySmarter app.

Generate flashcards in one click.

Generate flashcards with the click of a button. Study them instantly.

Mock exams, created just for you.

Mock exams, created by AI to identify and test your weak spots.

Personalised feedback for you.

Receive personalised feedback on your exam answers.

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Explanations for every topic.

Search for any subject or topic and receive a simple explanation, directly in the search bar with Explain AI. Click to expand and learn more about your search term!

Customisable explanations.

Make your studies more engaging, instantly turn your explanation into a poem, comedy script or even a fantasy novel! Simplify or elaborate your personalised explanation with the click of a button. Study in a way that’s personalised to you and your learning style.

Flashcards created by ai.

With the power of AI, creating learning materials has never been easier. StudySmarter AI generates incredible learning materials especially for your from the onboarding. The materials are hyper-relevant to your experience, location and field of study. How awesome is that?

mock exams created for you.

Stressed about an upcoming exam? Been there, done that! StudySmarter AI knows exactly what you need to know to achieve amazing results. Based on your learning behaviour, our app creates unlimited mock exams to test and optimise your knowledge! Ensuring you ace every exam!

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